RestaurantsWednesday 26 June 2019 (eve of the Conference): DINNER (7pm) "Informal" dinner at La Bohème - 27 Place de la République Choice: Choose from the whole menu Payment: Each participant pays for his or her meal Phone: +33 892 311 418 Location:
************************************** Thursday 27 June (12:30) and Friday 28 June 2019 (12:15): OUR TWO LUNCHES Lunch at Lerouge - Boulevard Louis Leprince Ringuet Choice: Cafeteria-style restaurant Payment: Included in your registration fee Location:
************************************** Thursday 27 June 2019: DINNER (7:30pm) "Gala" dinner (but nothing too formal, actually!) at L'Epi'Curieux - 4 Rue de la Vieille Porte Choice:
Menu: See the menu in detail (and in French!) here. Payment: 35 euros; each participant pays for his or her meal Phone: +33 243 771 563 Location: